Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's been 4 years.

I can't believe it's been 4 years since I moved to Illinois
I got this tattoo on my 1 year anniversary of
moving to Illinois & leaving California.

You can take the girl out of California,
but you can't take California out of the girl.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Easy Tips to Begin Your Job Search

I'm here in the middle of a massive job search.
Freshly done with school and beginning to start my career.
It's scary & intimidating & overwhelming.
I've learned some things though, and I want to share some simple tricks I've learned and would love for you share yours in the comment section.

Finding a new job is hard, let's help each other make it a little easier.

1. Print & Iron
I like to keep a stack of freshly updated resumes on resume paper in a go-to folder for those last minute job interviews. I also like to make sure I always have that perfect interview outfit cleaned, ironed and ready! Last-minute job interviews are more common than you think, be ready to GO on one as soon as you can!

2. Early Bird Gets the Interview
Get up early! Be ready for that 9 AM phone call. It's all about being prepared. It's not vacation time!

3. Apply Now!
See a job that you're qualified for? Apply NOW! Don't wait! I've had a handful of times where I did wait... and the job was taken off the job board. It's important to apply ASAP.

4. Beautify That Cover Letter
I always, always, always personalize each cover letter for each job I'm applying for and spend time creating the perfect one every time. It's worth it!

5. "Hey! I Need a Job!"
Tell EVERYONE you're looking for a new job. 
I do! I told someone I had just met I was looking for a job and SURPRISE! She ended up being a recruiter for a company and forwarded my resume! 
It pays off to tell everyone and anyone you're looking. It can work in your favor.

Finding a new job is a process, it's not easy. Hopefully, with small adjustments to your plan can get you that interview and new opportunity.

What are some tips you can suggest for job searching?
Leave them below, I'd love to know!
We're all in this together.