Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hi! My first post! +Apartment Life!


Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

This is my first post here on SaraLovesChunk! I decided to make my own blog instead of posting things directly to Pinterest, just to give myself a collection of sorts of my life, my ideas and things I've been working on. Please bear with me as I begin to build my blog, I'm going to be posting simple things first just to get things rolled out & build content.

Thanks for visiting.

First, I keep seeing cleaning schedules while perusing through Pinterest; however, most of them seem to be for people living in houses or multi-level homes. That's great if you're living in a huge house... but I'm not. I'm in a third-story condo. SO, I made some adjustments & brainstormed and came up with this: 

A cleaning schedule for "apartment living" (although if you have a house, you probably could use it, too.) It's something I hope to make a routine. Completing these tasks under 30 minutes seems so easy! You have weekends off!!! Fabulous.

Let me know what works for you! Do you have a schedule? Do you want one? 

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